Data Science Essentials
Level: Beginner
50% OFF
Pre-requisites for the course : None
This course teaches everything from scratch. No coding background required. You only require a working laptop and a good internet connection.
Date: New batch will start soon
Only 30 Students Per Batch
1. Introduction to data science
What is data science
What are companies looking for
How it helps businesses to make right the decisions
What tools are used
Installing Python and Jupyter with Anaconda
2. Python fundamentals - I
Importing libraries
Variables and data types
3. Python Fundamentals - II
Conditional statements
4. Pandas and Numpy fundamentals
Why pandas and numpy
Importing Pandas and Numpy
Exploring data with pandas
Boolean indexing
5. Statistics and Probability
Descriptive statistics
Probability concepts
Random variables
Probability distribution functions
Central Limit Theorem (CLT)
6. Linear Algebra
Linear combinations
Vectors and Matrices
Matrix Decomposition
Eigen Vectors and Eigen Values
7. Data Cleaning and Analysis
Missing values
Duplicate data
Working with strings
Grouping and combining
8. Data visualization in Python - I
Matplotlib basics
Line charts
Bar plots
Scatter Plots
Histogram and box plots
9. Data visualization in Python - II
Seaborn Basics
Line plots
Bar plots
Scatter plots
Histogram and box plots
10. Project
Problem Statement
Exploratory Data Analysis
Data Cleaning
Data Visualization
Insights and Conclusion